Sanctify attend advisory board for Lund University Master Programme

March 10, 2021

We are happy to announce that Sanctify has entered a co-operation with Lund University School of Business and Economics by attending the advisory board for the new Master Program – Data Analytics and Business Economics.

The progamme is a one-year masters aimed at preparing the students for professional roles where data management and analytics intertwine with the core of a company’s business. The advisory board will act as industry advisors in order to ensure that the programme provide the students with industry-relevant skills.

The programme is multidisciplinary and is designed to solve business problems by integrating statistics, economics, business, informatics and law..

As a student, you will will learn how to write your own computer code, how to manage data, how to use statistical machine learning tools in order to explore and deduct hidden patterns from data, and how to incorporate the results obtained into strategic decision-making.

– Extract from the course description on the course homepage

Being a Lund based company we are honoured for the opportunity to contribute to the university – we will always have a strong bond to Lund University.

Read more about the programme here