Sanctify ESG in short
Number of companies |
13.000+ |
Countries/regions |
USA, UK, Nordics and the major European countries |
Languages |
English, German, French, Swedish and Dutch |
History length |
Since 2010 |
Categories |
E, S, G, ESG and 27 sub categories based on a well established framework |
Number of news sources |
55.000+ |
Number of news articles |
25.000.000+ |
Number of news articles processed per day |
~20.000 |
Number of data points | |
Fully automated |
An automated system that runs around the clock without stop that can be scaled to fit the need. |
Updated on a daily frequency |
Our system keeps up with the latest news and is always up-to-date. |
AI-based models |
AI can be trained to perform complex tasks that otherwise would require human involvement. |
Unbiased |
Independent |
Scores are based on information from third party sources and not on company’s own communication which makes it more trustworthy. |
Transparent |
Scoring Overview
Collect news from over 55000 sources. We download and store around 20000 new articles every day. Our database goes back to 2010.
Our system has multi-language support
We currently support the following languages English, German, French, Swedish and Dutch.
Assess all news articles linked to a company and verify that it actually is related to the company. Only articles that have been verified as related to a company will be used for further processing.
Run each news article through our sentiment analysis and categorization models. Each article gets a sentiment which is represented by a numeric value. Each article is also put into a category, or none if it’s not considered to be related to any.
There are subcategories to E, S and G which are not illustrated in this image.
Aggregate the sentiment score for all news articles into a score time series. This is done separately per category.
Download the full scoring documentation
Download the full scoring documentation to learn more, or contact us to book a demo.